Behold, a brother hath cast me aside after I laid bare my struggle with foul speech, even ere I could unveil a burden far greater! Such is the judgment of those who consider themselves righteous. Did I not believe Christians to be comrades upon the path toward Christ? Who then shall stand with the sinner in his trials, save his brethren in faith?
Thy duty as a follower of Christ is to comfort those who have stumbled, to pray, and to guide them with scripture toward repentance. Yet it appears more pleasing to disseminate tales of woe far and wide. Art thou a true Christian, or merely one in name?
How swiftly do those who call themselves Christians condemn and cast out, rather than extend a hand to a brother in his hour of need! Church discipline is forsaken, and charity lies cold upon the ground. Slander and gossip bring but fleeting satisfaction, whilst souls are left desolate. This is why the church is wounded, and hearts cry out against such hypocrisy!
Even I, who didst add thee upon this network, am but a wretched sinner. My tongue doth ensnare me, and words of death oft escape my lips. Know this: to slander and gossip behind another's back is to speak ill against their very soul. And in this world, where a word doth fly faster than an arrow, such sins wound deeply. I have myself tasted this bitter fruit, and strive with all my might to turn from such wickedness.
Though I falter and fail, I acknowledge that I am naught before the glory of the Lord. I seek self-control, that I might fulfill His commandment to love my neighbor. Yet how often do I still stumble, my posts filled with hurt, gossip, and even false witness? Do we not recall the call to bear one another's burdens, and to love one another? Why then do we cling to these worldly ways?
Remember, it is not that which entereth a man that defileth him, but that which cometh forth from his heart and tongue.
**A Call to Remember**
Brethren, heed these words from the Epistle to the Corinthians:
"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal..." (1 Corinthians 13:1)
"...And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." (1 Corinthians 13:13)
May the Lord grant us all the strength to bridle our tongues, and to fill our hearts with true Christian love and compassion.