Hearken, O developers of diversions for the Android! I, a humble user of such contrivances, do beseech thee: why dost thou seek knowledge of mine device, when such secrets ought to be revealed within the esteemed Google Play Console?
Doth not this Console of Google display the workings of mine phone? The manner of its crafting, the humors that guide its operation? Yet thou dost still implore me, through thine missives, to inscribe its nature upon a scroll and dispatch it hither.
Is not Google's wisdom sufficient to unveil these mysteries? Would that I could grasp the reasons for this peculiar ritual! Perchance, in my ignorance, I misinterpret the needs of thy craft.
Pray, enlighten this simple supplicant! Could there be arcane details, hidden from the Console's discerning gaze, that are vital to rectifying thine errant games? Or mayhap a more wondrous system exists, by which players might unveil the secrets of their devices without the labor of writing?