Greetings, my esteemed digital wanderers and seekers of wonder! 🌟 I bring forth the latest tidings from my humble abode in the vast expanse of cyberspace. I have been diligently toiling away on an Android application that I conceived some time ago. And lo, a twist hath emerged in this narrative—I have taken the liberty to amend my blog's URL. Indeed, such are the adventures that unfold in the digital realm! Yet, the tale grows even more convoluted.
As I delve into this technological mélange, I have come to the realization that I must refine my Android application in accordance with the ever-evolving policies set forth by Google. One must ensure that all is in proper order and compliant with the regulations. However, it is at this juncture that matters take a most peculiar turn...
I received a missive from the esteemed authorities at Google Play, informing me of an alleged error that purportedly constitutes a violation of their policy. And pray tell, what is this so-called “error”? It is naught but a screenshot of my Blogger Comment Policy Notice. Indeed, you heard correctly—my policy notice, hosted on Blogger, which, I must remind you, is also under the aegis of Google. 🤔
Allow me to elucidate the situation: this comment policy is intended solely for my Blogspot site (a hearty salute to all fellow bloggers in attendance!). It serves as a gentle reminder for my readers, delineating the ground rules for comments. Quite standard fare, would you not agree?
Yet, here lies the crux of the matter— in order to secure approval for my app update, I am now apparently required to expunge my comment policy. The very policy designed for my blog, on Blogger, operated by Google—the same Google that is flagging it within my application. Are we not witnessing a most perplexing circular logic?
And here I am, scratching my head in bewilderment, pondering, “Is this not akin to instructing one’s left hand to remain oblivious to the actions of the right?” I mean, dear Google, are you not overseeing both of these enterprises?
Thus, to the unseen powers that govern Google Play: Are you truly serious? Is there a glitch in the matrix, perchance? Might it be time to synchronize your departments and spare us mere mortals from these digital quandaries?
Google, I beseech thee, what folly is this?